Work and Coworking Tips

Learn how to speak in public!

22 Aug 2018

Conference spaces in Aticco

Who doesn't get butterflies in the stomach when speaking in public? Nerves sometimes betray us and can cause us to draw a blank or explain ourselves poorly, among other things.

Non-verbal language almost always expresses much more than verbal language and, in the case of oral presentations, it shows. Because when a person gets nervous when it is time to speak in public, it is practically inevitable to hide it and it is difficult to conceal the body's trembling.

But, like almost everything in life, there is a solution. There are a few tricks that can help you learn to speak in public correctly. And by this we mean the following:

  • That you say what you want to explain with your words and that it is understood.
  • That the sentences you say out loud make sense and have context.
  • That you can hide the nerves you express with your body movements.
  • Don't let your voice tremble when speaking in public.
  • That you are able to answer the questions posed by the attendees.

Just by reading these points you have seen that we know what we are talking about, right? Let's try to fix it and get you a successful workshop!

Prepare the presentation in advance

The better you know it by heart, the easier it will be to explain it. And even more so if you say it in your own words instead of reading a paper you don't understand yourself.

The people who listen to you know if you have control over the subject or not, it is very difficult to disguise. So, preparation a few days preparation a few days beforehand is essential.

Lean on audiovisual content

It is a must in every presentation. Listeners focus on audiovisual content because it is often easier to understand and see. because it is usually easier to understand and see.

The audiovisual presentation has to be aesthetically beautiful and attractive; think that people will look at it every moment. If you are talking in the background, explaining what they are seeing on the screen, it will help them to understand everything.

Forget that there is an audience in front of you

Listeners don't notice your nerves as much as you do. Try not to spend the whole presentation watching people and obsessing that they are seeing that you are nervous because it doesn't work.

They are simply there, listening to what you are telling them about a subject that really interests them, and they will be looking more at the presentation than at whether your legs are shaking.

Brevity first and foremost

Not only will it be better for you because you will talk less and the presentation on your part will end sooner, but the audience will understand you better and pay more attention to you. will pay more attention to you.

Think back to your high school days and remember how boring and impractical long talks were... so you can put yourself in the shoes of those who listen to you now.

Don't lose your smile

Who likes serious people or people with an unfriendly attitude? How important it is to show sympathy in front of people!

Don't stop smiling during the presentation (as much as possible), and your posture to express that you are relaxed and comfortable with what you are explaining.

Do you want to make a presentation, an event, a talk, a workshop...? At Aticco Coworking you can! We will offer you the room that best suits your needs.[:]