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The emotional life of working from home

2 Jan 2018

views aticco
Working from home sounds good, what's the point. When we get organized we can get all the work done with our eyes closed and we assume that the success of a project is best experienced when you sit on the couch and you can celebrate it with beer in hand. But all that glitters is not gold and you may be feeling a bit strange with so many changes. At Aticco let's be very honest with you. Not all people are able to cope with the situations that are thrown at us in the same way and in the same manner. After all, working from home affects, and mainly affects our own emotions. The human being is an emotional being. Each individual controls their emotions through different mechanisms. First of all, I would like to tell you that emotions when working from home, do not have to dominate you and you must face them in the most manageable way possible, because otherwise the blockage and non-contracting can take over your mind. Feeling overwhelmed with household chores is normal. I'm sure you've heard many friends talk about the day they couldn't go to the office, so they stayed home to work and took the opportunity to do all the housework. They, so proud of their feat and of taking advantage of the time, don't realize the main difference: when you go to work from home, the chores are there every day, staring at you. Ehere's a laundry basket watching you from afar while the sink is overflowing, calling out to you. But they don't, they don't look at you. They think about their day off but now your living room, it's the office hall. Frustration can be your best friend or enemy. Some people, believe it or not, perform better under pressure. That is why the management of our emotions plays a very important role in our day-to-day work from home. You may experience moments of anger, stress, sadness... just as it is normal and you can feel free to experience moments of happiness when you finish a project or when you get new clients. Don't repress your emotions, they are completely natural. The human being is a social being. The loneliness you will face day after day working from home is completely normal. Now there is no one around to bother you, but there is no one to make you smile. Learning to be alone is a very important point in our education as an adult. Dependency is a problem faced by most of society; So think about it, being alone for a few days while you do your work is not the end of the world. Your goal is to get the job done. We also tell you from here, that we ourselves even talk to the TV. But there are mechanisms that you can carry out if you still can't conceive of being in complete silence, such as listening to music; you can play the radio or even a playlist of your favorite server. Speaking of loneliness, there is another very important point in which you can feel even more isolated, and that is not having anyone to consult your doubts or impressions. Work-from-home counseling focuses on your one person. As social beings, we are used to debating every important decision we make, but if we are taking on that job, it is because we are fully capable of doing it. As you can see, many of these aspects are linked to the personal growth with which we develop ourselves, but when you go to work from home you realize that now and more than ever, they are completely linked to your professional growth. It's okay to feel like strangers in our home, it's our home. Used to enjoying our time, now we have to face a new point: enjoying our work. Working from home is a daily challenge we all have to face. Identifying the emotions that affect us and represent us day after day is one of the simplest ways to know which of them help us grow. Finding the trigger of a bad emotion also helps us to cope with our most negative reactions and be able to deal with them in the most productive and positive way possible.